Why Do Tigers Have Stripes?🐅

Morning stripey!

Here's a question for ya…

How are tigers such AMAZING hunters, yet they sport such a bright orange and black striped coat?

I mean, forget about getting snuck up on.

You can see that thing for miles!

So what's going on? Why do tigers look like that?

So let's say we're in the jungle…

See that tiger over there?

I mean, how could you not?

But wait.

I know it's weird, but that bright orange coat and black stripes actually make the ideal camouflage for a jungle predator!

But it's so visible?

Sure, it's visible… to US.

But to tigers' prey… not so much.

See, most of the animals tigers hunt, like wild boar and various deer, can only see a very limited range of colors, like this:

 Aka they’re colorblind.

Orange to them is very different from orange to us.

This means, to their eyes, the tiger's orange fur actually blends into the jungle.

But wait!

It's not just the orange…

The stripes also play a key role, too.

The wavy black stripes actually help break up the cat's shape and size so that it blends in with trees and tall grasses.

Like this:

So then, before you know it, the tigers can sneak up…

And catch their prey!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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