Why Do We Sweat? 🥵

Morning Sweaty!

Sweating happens for a bunch of different reasons:

When you’ve eaten some spicy food.

When you’re really nervous.

And most commonly… when you exercise!

But why exactly do we… sweat??

So, in the case of exercise, as you move, you use your muscles, right?

And those muscles need energy to work…

Where does that energy come from?

Well, each individual cell in your muscles has thousands of tiny things called… Mitochondria!

Imagine each little mitochondria dude as a very tiny factory.

They take in sugars and oxygen (like the oxygen we breathe in).

And they pump out some energy!

And the more you move, the harder your mitochondria have to work to supply your body with energy. 

But there's a problem!

Remember all those energy blobs? (They’re not really blobs but don’t worry about it)

As they get absorbed by the cell, a teeny tiny bit of heat gets released.

So if there's LOTS of energy… There's LOTS of heat!

That heat triggers the body's heat receptors, sending an ALERT! signal straight to the brain…

The brain (panicking) quickly starts the body's natural cooling process.

And sends signals to the sweat glands in your skin to start PUMPING!!

Now you're starting to sweat!

But then ALLLLL that sweat starts to absorb your body heat…

And finally, it starts to evaporate off of you, taking that absorbed heat with it!

Making you cooler!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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