šŸš— Rolls-Royce sells airplanes?

Good morning, boujee baller šŸ’°

I was streaking on an airplane tarmac recentlyā€¦

Just kidding, I was actually walking off one of those crowded buses that shuttles you right up to your airplane.

I was bored so I started to inspect the jet engine and was shocked to see this:


How could that be?

The same Rolls-Royce that makes the sexiest cars for celebrities?

Well it turns out Rolls-Royce got famous building plane engines in World War I.

For real??

Ya, for real.

It all started in 1904. At this car show in Manchester, England:

Yes, there were dozens, hundreds, maybe even thousands of people there.

But we really only care about two of them.

These two:

Hang on. Theyā€™re not friends yet.

Okay, good boys.

Henry, you can go say ā€˜hiā€™ to Charles now.

Charles Rolls and Henry Royce totally hit it off just like that ā˜ļø

And they join forces to manufacture the ~best car in the world~

But the first year, they just bicker about performance versus drivability and stuff.

Until finally they compromise and create this absolute banger ā€” The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost:

Dope car.

Doper mustaches.

But seriously, check out Ghostā€™s specs:

  • Top speed: 60 mph

  • Horsepower: 48

  • Durability: 14,371 miles without an involuntary stop ā€” 1907 world record.

Plus it rides silent like a ~ghost~

Okay, so we agree theyā€™re making a sweet car.

But they run into a small problemā€¦..World War I.

See in the war, the British government prints posters like this:

See that? The last, totally real flyer? Look at the chicken scratch at the bottom.

The Brits need airplane help.

And guess who knows a thing or two about building enginesā€¦Charles Rolls & Henry Royce šŸ˜

Plus they also know a juicy, Government-subsidized-business-opportunity when they see one.

So they build this hog:

They call it The Eagle.

A 350 horsepower, water-cooled engine that hauled ass ā€” like enough ass to fly the first airplane across the Atlantic Ocean.

And this engine gave the British a huge advantage over the Germans in WWI.

It was so good, in fact, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the reason Britain won the war.

But donā€™t quote me on that. You can quote me on the rest.

Now you know! If youā€™re ever slammed into a bus to drive 10 feet to board your airplane, wellā€¦

Take a peek. Thereā€™s an 18% chance your planeā€™s engines are the product of 1914 British patriotism šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§

Stay Cute,
Henry & Dylan šŸŒˆ

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P.P.S Wanna know Rolls-Royceā€™s genius marketing trick to sell $28M cars? Click below to watch šŸ‘‡