The Fermi Paradox šŸ‘½

(5 minute read)

Hey ya alien,

You ever look up at the night sky?

No, thatā€™s your ceiling.

Go outside.

Ugh. Light pollution.

Go into the woodsā€¦the deep woods.

See that?

Thatā€™s a crap load of stars.

How many do you think?

No. Gen Z is tapped.

Itā€™s 2,500.

On the clearest night sky, you can see 2,500 stars.

But hereā€™s the thing.

These stars are just in our Milky Wayā€¦this tiny bit of the Milky Way.

The Milk Way has 250 billion stars.

But weā€™re just 1 galaxy.

Guess how many galaxies there are.


The answer is 250 billion ā€“ meaning there are as many galaxies in the universe as stars in our galaxy.

Lemme repeat that.


Still didnā€™t sink in?

Think of it this way.

Pick up a grain of sand.

For every grain of sand on Earth, there are 10,000 stars.

Get it?

But it gets crazier.

1% of these stars have planets like Earth.

So 1 grain of sand = 100 Earths.

Howā€™s that make you feel?

Gnarly huh?

Well, buckle upā€¦it gets gnarlier.

Because the Earth is a young planet ā€“ only 4.5 billion years young.

But most planets are oldā€¦

Like 8 billion years old.

Meaning they have a 3.5 billion year head start.

Can you imagine Earth in 100 years? 1,000 years? 1 million?

Now try 3.5 billion yearsā€¦

Mind. Blown.

However that future looks, one thing is certain: weā€™re traveling all over space.



See there are 3 levels of energy available:

  1. Earth

  2. Sun

  3. Galaxy

(Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll get to the paradox soon.)

Right now, weā€™re on level #1 ā€“ close to using all the energy from our Earth.

The next level is using all the energy from our Sun ā€“ with something like a Dyson Sphere.

Then weā€™d use the Sunā€™s energy to send 2 human fleets to other stars ā€“ where weā€™d repeat the process.

If each replication took 500 years, weā€™d conquer a galaxy in ~3.5 million years.

3.5 million years = 1 galaxy.

But rememberā€¦

The average planet is 3.5 billion years older than Earthā€¦.thatā€™s 1,000 times longer than the 3.5 million years needed for 1 galaxy.

Translation: Aliens should be all over the universe.

So this begs the question:

Great question.

Maybe thereā€™s hope for Gen Z.

Because you just discovered theā€¦

Badass, right?

The Fermi Paradox asks, ā€œWhere the hell are the aliens?ā€

There are 2 answers to Fermi:

  1. Weā€™re alone

  2. Weā€™re not alone

Letā€™s explore each.

1. Weā€™re alone

Weā€™re alone = no aliens.

Why are there no aliens?

Basically, thereā€™s no life ā€˜cause something stops itā€¦.a Great Filter.

But the big question is: whereā€™s the filter?

Before us?

Or after us?

The answer is critical.

Before us = HOORAY šŸ„³ 

Because that means life is rare.

Aka every other life form never made it to our level. Our Earth had some special event that other Earth-like planets never had.

Top contenders are events that took a while ā€” like billions of years.

Here are the top 2:

  1. Life itself ā€“ Unclear how this happened but some think lightning zapped a molecular soup, creating lifeā€™s building blocks ā€” like amino acids and nucleotides ā€” which formed a cell that could self-replicate. This took 1 billion years.

  2. Prokaryote to Eukaryote ā€“ One old bacteria ate another and told it to be the brain (nucleus). This took 2 billion years.

Some say the jump from semi-smart (monkey) to smart (human) is another leap ā€“ but itā€™s less convincing.

Regardless, this means you better hope we donā€™t find life on Mars.


Because if lame ass Mars can make life ā€” especially complex life ā€” weā€™re definitely not rare. So thatā€™d mean the great filter isā€¦


[Cue: Villain laughing. Woman shrieking. Baby crying.]

After us = DEATH šŸ’€

Basically it means something in the future kills us ā€” probably just ourselves with nukes, climate change, or AI.

Thanks, Elon.

But for now, letā€™s explore option 2:

2. Weā€™re not alone

Not alone = aliens exist (but we canā€™t see ā€˜em).

Why not?

There are a bunch of reasons.

Here are 5:

  1. Weā€™re rural ā€“ We live in a remote part of the universe ā€“ like Eskimos in northern Canada when Columbus landed in America.

  2. Weā€™re a zoo ā€“ Aliens observe us but donā€™t mess with us. They probably just giggle watching us read emails and throw poo at each other.

  3. Weā€™re useless ā€“ Weā€™re like an anthill. Aliens are like Columbus. Would Columbus care about an anthillā€¦or just ignore it, find gold, and diddle natives?

  4. Weā€™re dumb ā€“ Our technology is too primitive to understand alien signals. Or we just donā€™t understand reality because reality ainā€™t real mannnnnnn.

  5. Physical worldā€™s dumb ā€“ The universe is cold, dark, and lonely. Screw that. Aliens uploaded their brains to a virtual heaven with infinite virgins.


So what do you do with this?

Hug me ā¤ļø

First, because physical touch is my love language.

But second, because weā€™re either:

  1. Stranded on a tiny rock in vast darkness

  2. Surrounded by aliens

Iā€™m hoping for #2

Crush Alien Ass,
Dylan & Henry šŸŒˆ

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P.P.S Still here? Click below to watch my Fermi Paradox video šŸ‘‡

(Credit to Wait But Why ā€” Tim Urban is a genius)