Why Soda Explodes With Mentos⚪

Morning Mentos!

We’ve all seen those videos before.

The ones like this:

But have you ever wondered…

Why do mentos make soda… EXPLODE!?!?

Well, soda is basically just a sugary liquid with added carbon dioxide under high pressure to make it bubbly.

But once you open the top, the pressure changes.

And all those carbon dioxide bubbles try to escape.

This is why if you leave soda open for long enough, the soda goes… flat!

But, when mentos are dumped into soda and it explodes everywhere, it's basically just forcing the carbon dioxide to release WAY faster than usual.

But how?

What's so special about mentos?

Here’s the thing… not much.

A lot of people think mentos secret is down to its sugar or chemical content.

But the REAL reason mentos are so good at exploding soda is actually…  their texture!


Although mentos actually look really smooth…

If you zoom in a little you’ll see they’re actually kinda rough and bumpy.

See, the carbon dioxide gas REALLY wants to come out of the soda ASAP but it needs a surface to form on…

This is why you see bubbles clinging to the side of a recently poured glass of soda.

Ok, let's do it…

3… 2… 1… DROP!

See how all those little bubbles are forming on the mento?

That's because those little microscopic bumps from earlier make it easier for the carbon dioxide to cling to it.

This causes it to bubble… bubble and…

The funny thing is… there's nothing super special about mentos specifically.

Many different sugary treats can create a soda explosion too, like M&Ms or Skittles.

But really, anything with a slightly rough microscopic texture can be used, like sand, caffeine powder and even random rocks!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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