How Do Geckos Defy Gravity? šŸ¦Ž

Morning climbers!

Have you ever wondered how geckosā€¦

Uhā€¦ Defy gravity??

Well, youā€™d think itā€™d be because theyā€™ve got sticky feet or somethingā€¦

But lookā€¦ 

That's not true.

So... what's the secret??

Ya, it turns out, their grip is all to do with ATOMS!

Check out their toesā€¦

See these ridges? Theyā€™re called lamellae.

And they are absolutely COVERED tiny little hairs called setae.

And these setae branch further into millions of little pads called spatulae.

That's a lot of names of thingsā€¦

But, have you ever heard the phrase ā€œopposites attract?ā€

Well, the positive or negatively charged atoms in these spatulae like to align themselves against the atoms on the surface of whatever the gecko is climbing. 

Creating an attracting force called a Van der Waals force.

And because they have SOOO many atomsā€¦

On SOOO many spatulaeā€¦

It allows them to grip, without being sticky!!!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan šŸŒˆ

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