What Are Those Floaty Things in Your Eye? 👁️

Morning floaters!

You know those floaty things in your eye??

That look a bit like this:

What the heck are they?

What you’re seeing are things called “floaters”.

The sciency name for these is “Muscae Volitantes” which is latin for “flying flies”.

Apt name lol.

Anyway, although these little floaty dudes APPEAR to be floating outside your vision, they are actually INSIDE your eyeball!

Floating about in all your eye juices…

That's why whenever you try to look at them, they go flying off only to reappear as soon as you shift your glance, cause your eye moves them!

Weird, right?

But what exactly are they?

Well, they’re usually tiny little dead blood cells, clumps of protein, or other random cells that somehow ended up inside your eyeball.

No biggie.

The reason you can see them is because they cast a shadow on the back of the eye called the retina, aka the “viewing“ part of the eye.

Meaning you’re not actually seeing floaters, you’re seeing the shadow of the floaters…

But most of the time, these floaty dudes are almost completely invisible.

But they become more visible the closer they are to the back of the eye.

Just like how if your hand is closer to a candle the shadow becomes bigger and bigger.

Like this:

But they also become more visible when looking at a plain bright surface, like a blank computer screen, a wall, a ceiling or… a clear sky!

Ok, but are they harmful?

Not really.

Just a little annoying lol.

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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