We Have No Idea Where Eels Come from 𓆙

Morning Eelers!

You know eels?

These guys:

We have NO idea where they come from…

Yea, we don't know how eels make babies, like at all.

What do I mean?

Well, the thing is, scientists have dissected many eels throughout history and never ONCE have we ever found any…


Sex organs.

Or any eel eggs for that matter.

Weird right?

Well, It gets weirder.

Like many people, I assumed eels that lived in rivers also had babies in those rivers…

But it turns out, that's not true.

All we knew about eels until VERY recently was that they existed and somehow new eels kept appearing from somewhere, and we had NO IDEA WHERE!

And that's it.

This eel mystery has stumped scientists for literally thousands of years!

I mean, they have tried EVERYTHING…

-They have given hormones to females to see if it will attract males.


(Didn’t work)

-They tried putting 1000 eels in a tank in France to see if they would make any babies.

(Didn’t work) (They just ate each other)

-They’ve analysed their genes

-They’ve used underwater microphones to listen for eel sex…

They tried it all… 

And nothing had worked.

Until one day, some dude had a very clever idea…

It was genius!

So they put some little trackers on a bunch of eels and set them loose.

However… This also kinda failed…

Most of the eels would just wriggle out of it or they would take so long the battery would die or something. 

But luckily they had managed to track 1 single eel all the way to… (drum roll please) 


Yes really!

It turns out ALL eels, literally every single eel, is born in a place called the Sargasso sea, inside the Bermuda triangle!

The only trouble?

We still have NO idea what they are doing there.

I mean, we suspect they go there to make babies, but we don't know for sure…

In fact, there was this one mission where they scooped up as many eggs as they could from the floor of the sargasso sea, hoping they would finally find eel eggs.

And you know what?

Not a SINGLE one of the 7,000 they found was an eel egg…


Anyway, that's about it for our eel knowledge.

If scientists discover any more about this eel mystery I will be the first to let you know!

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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