Why Do We Cough? 🫁

Morning Coughers!

Have you ever wondered…

Why exactly do we… cough???

Jeez man, you alright?

So imagine you’re our friend Durd here.

And you’ve just swallowed something you probably shouldn't have…

This could be pollen, dust, smoke, whatever…

The nerves in your throat detect this strange object and send a quick email to the brain to let him know.

Your brain sees this and is like:

Not good.

So it kick starts the… cough reflex!

First, your vocal cords open up SUUUUPER wide, allowing a lot more air to be SUCKED into the lungs.

Then there's this little thing called the epiglottis: 

Which closes over the windpipe, effectively shutting off the flow of air.

But then… the rib and abdominal muscles CONTRACT!

So the pressure builds up…

And UP.

And UP!!!

Until finally the epiglottis opens… 

And ALLLL the air comes bursting out!

Taking any foreign particles with it…

Ughhh…. nice.

Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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