Why Do Beached Whales Explode? 🐋

Morning Whalers!

Fun fact:

When a dead whale washes up on a beach…

For some reason, they tend to… EXPLODE!


Why does this happen?

Well, lemme tell ya.

Every now and then, a dead whale will wash up on a beach.

No biggie.

But, because these whales are dead, they start to decompose…

Basically, trillions of little bacteria start eating the whale from the inside out.

Feeding on the carbohydrates and proteins present in the whale's fatty body.

But there's a problem…

As these bacteria munch away on the whale's organs, they pump out a load of gasses like carbon dioxide and methane as byproducts.

So, these gases start to build up and UP in the whale's organs.

But the thing is, whales have super strong blubber under an already very tough layer of skin.

Meaning these gasses have no way to escape!

So the whale grows bigger…

And bigger…


Bloating to twice its original size!



Stay Cute,
Reece, Henry & Dylan 🌈

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